Press releases
Press releases are issued with regards to questions, facts and events having direct or indirect relevance to the European project and freedom of the media
- - 14/01/2025 - Georgian journalists arrested in Batumi
- - 10/04/2024 - Stop the Killing of Freedom of Expression in Georgia
- - 03/12/2024 - The Impact of the New Trump Administration on Europe and China Policy -Zoom today
- - 27/11/2024 - The Second von der Leyen European Commission is Elected
- - 01/06/2024 - EJ frm. President Helmut HETZEL Honored in The Hague
- - 03/05/2024 - World Prass Freedom Day 2024
- - 16/05/2023 - Unser Kollege Zanel Fruchtmann ist gestorben - Our Colleague Zanel Fruchtmann died
- - 03/05/2023 - World Media Freedom Day 2023
- - 05/07/2022 - New EJ elected President Felicia Ristea message
- - 05/07/2022 - EJ Presidency's Handoverand Thanks
- - 10/05/2022 - EJ Resolution on War in Ukraine - Timisoara, May 10, 2022
- - 03/05/2022 - World Press Freedom Day 2022
- - 25/04/2022 - French Presidential Elections: European unity has won
- - 03/05/2021 - World Press Freedom Day 2021
- - 27/12/2020 - A Today’s Message of Hope
- - 27/11/2020 - Ein Stopp-Signal für Polen und Ungarn - Von Rotger H. Kindermann, EJ Vizepraesident
- - 09/11/2020 - Wenn Populisten Parteien kapern – Der Trump-Spuk ist nicht vorüber
- - 03/05/2020 - World Press Freedom Day 2020 - Risk in time of coronavirus
- - 22/04/2020 - Follow the rules to keep coronavirus away.
- - 18/04/2020 - Libya Pandemic ad an emergency message from the Minister for Foreign Affairs from Malta
- - 19/04/2020 - New Step of Orban’s March Towards Authoritarianism.
- - 01/04/2020 - Coronavirus Contaminating European Unity - Orban’s Hungary Puts a new Muzzle on Free press
- - 16/03/2020 - Coronavirus - EU and its Member States
- - 20/02/2020 - Pressefreiheit in der Türkei massiv unter Druck
- - 03/05/2019 - World Press Freedom Day 2019
- - 18/03/2019 - Appeal from the “European Journalists" (EJ) on the European Elections 2019
- - 01/03/2019 - Aufruf der „European Journalists“ (EJ) zur Europawahl 2019
- - 16/01/2019 - Brexit, let’s hope in a positive swing
- - 02/12/2017 - Mérite Européenn for Rotger Kindermann
- - 18/10/2017 - Sudden death of EJ-member Karl Rüdiger Himmes at the EJ Congress in Ljubljana
- - 03/05/2017 - World PRESS FREEDOM DAY 2017
- - 18/09/2016 - EJ Resolution Congress 2016 in Trento, I EN DE
- - 23/04/2017 - Hope after first round French Presidential Election 2017
- - 23/04/2017 - Hope after first round French Presidential Election 2017
- - 06/08/2016 - Rolf Dieter Krause:Über 20 Jahre ein kritischer Begleiter Europas
- - 20/07/2016 - EJ condemns as assassination of Pavel Sheremet and urges deep investigation
- - 16/07/2016 - The strange coup d’état attempt in Turkey What happened yesterday night in Turkey gives of course reason of great worry not just for the already weak democratic system of the country but also for the stability of the entire region in a highly interdepend
- - 24/06/2016 - Brexit is not the End of EU - After-Brexit: Europa-Abkehr stoppen
- - 09/05/2016 - 66 years ago the Schuman Declaration
- - 03/05/2016 - World Press Freedom Day 2016
- - 25/04/2016 - Austrian Presidential Election and EU Future
- - 08/03/2016 - Our "courageous” European Leaders
- - 05/03/2016 - EJ strongly condemns the Turkish’s government attack against “ZAMAN”
- - 03/02/2016 - Our Dear Europe! Don't give up Hope"
- - 05/01/2016 - EJ condemns Polish attack on the freedom of expression
- - 26/01/2016 - ITB-Berlin: Reisebranche diskutiert über Folgen des Klimawandels
- - 17/11/2015 - AT WAR WITH ISIS by Jacques Campé
- - 17/11/2015 - AT WAR WITH ISIS by Jacques Campé
- - 17/11/2015 - AT WAR WITH ISIS by Jacques Campé
- - 09/02/2013 - THOUGHTS ON DAVID CAMERON’S SPEECH - EU « à la carte »
- - 09/02/2013 - THOUGHTS ON DAVID CAMERON’S SPEECH EU à la carte
- - 14/11/2015 - Condemning the Paris’ massacre
- - 04/11/2015 - Commenting the Recent Elections in Turkey and Press Freedom Issues- by Seva Erten
- - 11/10/2015 - EJ Declaration on the Terrorist Attack in Ankara
- - 19/09/2015 - Transatlantic Media Fellowships offered by the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Deadline for applications October 16, 2015
- - 26/06/2015 - The Migrants Tragedy
- - 03/05/2015 - World Press Freedom Day 2015
- - 25/05/2015 - Economy Festival 2015 in Trento -Italy
- - 26/06/2015 - The Migrants Tragedy
- - 26/06/2015 - The Migrants Tragedy
- - 26/06/2015 - The Migrants Tragedy
- - 04/07/2015 - Luxembourg Council’s Presidency and Greek Referendum -Paolo Magagnotti
- - 15/07/2015 - An Open Word Concerning Greece - by Rotger Kindermann
- - 15/07/2015 - Ein offenes Wort zu Griechenland - Rotger Kindermann
- - 26/06/2015 - The Migrants Tragedy -Paolo Magagnotti
- - 16/02/2015 - The Cry from the Mediterranean Sea!
- - 07/01/2015 - Charlie Hebdo Slaughter
- - 11/01/2015 - Brandanschlag auf "Hamburger Morgenpost"
- - 16/12/2014 - Ein Aufruf von Träumern oder steckt mehr dahinter? Rotger H. Kindermann
- - 04/01/2014 - Menschenrechte und Partnerschaften mit Russland: Mehr kritische Distanz gefordert – Eine bessere Zusammenarbeit zwischen EU und russischen Journalisten erwünscht.
- - 26/06/2014 - Ägyptisches Gericht tritt die Pressefreiheit in den Staub -Egyptian court takes the freedom of the press in the dust
- - 05/08/2013 - EJ and Criminal prosecution of journalsts in Turkey
- - 01/07/2013 - Croatia has done it! by Sanja Romič
- - 02/07/2013 - Hope and Commitment of Croatia in the European Union - by Egon C. Heinrich
- - 30/06/2013 - Croatia 28th EU Member
- - 02/05/2013 - World Press Freedom Day 2013
- - 23/11/2012 - Meeting Close-up 2013 - Hence survives the memory
- - 12/10/2012 - Nobel Peace Prize for 2012 to the European Union
- - 11/02/2007 - EJ Press Release on Freedom of Press
- - 11/02/2007 - Comunicato stampa “European Journalists Association-The Communication Network” “Associazione Giornalisti Europei – Network di Comunicazione”
- - 11/02/2007 - Pressemitteilung der European Journalists Association – The Communication Network Vereinigung Europäischer Journalisten - Kommunikationsnetzwerk
- - 03/05/2008 - World Press Freedom Day May 3, 2008 - EJ statement