
In the following list we report the Association’s congresses divided in two parts.

In the first one there are year and place beginning from the foundation in 1962 till 2005, when members were national sections. The following part reports the series of congresses from 2006, when we introduced in the bylaws individual membership.

1962 - 2002

2005 Munich
2004 Bruxelles
2003 Budapest
2002 Sanremo (40th Anniversary of foundation)
2001 Bratislava
2000 Salonicco
1999 Berlino
1998 Varsavia
1997 Lisbona
1996 Budapest
1995 Malta
1994 Helsinki
1993 Atene
1992 Londra
1991 Madrid - Siviglia
1990 Lilla - Parigi
1989 Berlino
1988 Dublino
1987 Madeira
1986 Trento - Venezia
1985 Bruxelles - Hasselt - Liegi - Maastricht
1984 Berlino
1983 Strasburgo
1982 Madrid - Oviedo
1981 Lisbona
1980 Roma
1979 Lussemburgo
1978 L'Aia
1977 Dublino - Galway
1976 Nizza - Monaco
1975 Atene
1974 Mayence
1973 Bruxelles
1972 Cagliari
1971 Bristol - Londra
1970 Lussemburgo
1969 Bordeaux
1968 Bad - Höningen
1967 Bruxelles
1966 Berlino
1965 Palermo - Messina - Taormina
1964 Strasburgo
1963 Bruxelles
1962 Sanremo - Founding Assembly

2003 - 2025