Brexit is not the End of EU - After-Brexit: Europa-Abkehr stoppen
Brexit is
not the End of EU
majority of the British people have decide: Brexit. While
strongly regretting
this decision we respect, of course, the outcome of a free
and democratic
process. The British decision is a sad news but not a tragic
one. The European
Union will continue to exist: it is not dead and will not
must motivate all people believing in a European unity to
strongly uphold, more
than before, the most
fascinating democratic project ever
seen in the history of humanity; a project of peace, freedom
and well-being of
European Union is not just an option but an undeniable
necessity for our
future in Europe and, more than ever
also for contributing to guarantee stability and peace
worldwide, values which
are threatened by the insecurity of our
life that we have been experiencing in the last years.
European Institutions and the British government must now
proceed according to
the Treaties’ procedures to give effect to this decision of
the British people
as soon as possible, even if it might be a painful process.
Any delay
would hamper the normal processes foreseen to implement the
EU’s goals.
withdrawal negotiations can’t of course keep for the UK
benefits and privileges
offered by the common market even if realism must apply.
I believe that the British young generations, which express
themselves in favor
of remaining in the European Union, will contribute to
create conditions for
facilitating in future acceptable relations between the
European Union and UK
as a third country, relations that must reflect in any case
the interests of
both sides and be balanced in terms of rights and
British people can’t think to make use of the common market
for their business
only, which was practically in the past the almost UK’s
unique motivation to be
part of the European Union.
will have for sure influence on the attitude of nationalist
political forces
within the European Union to further threaten the European
We need to strongly oppose this trend by
explaining people the great benefits of the European unity.
Many things should
and can be changed in the European Union’s system, but in doing this time
has come for politicians
to shape the new Europe thinking more at the next
generations then to the next
elections, as the founding Fathers did. They wanted a
European unity based on
values and not as an ATM to satisfy national egoisms, as too
many national
governments have considered Brussels.
We need to take a definitive positive
approach to the European debates quitting sterile
time-serving attitude which
have always proved to produce negative outcomes.
Even journalists, notwithstanding of course
right and duty of criticism, must be more responsible in
providing the correct
information about principles, values, goals and benefits of
European unity.
The UK has decided to withdraw from the
European Union, but politicians and journalists are not
allowed to withdraw
from the responsibility towards the future generations.
Paolo Magagnotti
EJ President
After-Brexit: Europa-Abkehr stoppen
abrupten Rauswurf aus der EU wird es nach dem Brexit-Votum
nicht geben. In
Artikel 50 des EU-Vertrages heißt es dazu u.a.:
Ein Mitgliedstaat, der auszutreten beschließt, teilt dem
Europäischen Rat seine
Absicht mit. Die Union handelt mit diesem Staat ein Abkommen
über die
Einzelheiten des Austritts aus.
Die EU-Verträge finden auf den Staat ab dem Tag des
Inkrafttretens des
Austrittsab-kommens oder andernfalls zwei Jahre nach der in
Absatz 2 genannten
Mitteilung keine Anwendung mehr.
Szenarien sind denkbar: Bindet man durch zahlreiche
Einzelverträge (vgl.
Schweiz, Norwegen) die Briten an den gemeinsamen Binnenmarkt
oder setzt sich
die „harte Trennung“ durch, die für Großbritannien nach der
einen spürbaren Konjunk-tureinbruch und
erhebliche Arbeitsplatzver-luste bedeuten würde, inkl.
in der gesamten EU. In Brüssel glauben viele, mit dieser
Variante könnte der
Trend zur Abkehr von Europa gestoppt werden.
Nur durch Abschreckung ließen sich Italiener, Dänen
oder Schweden daran
hindern, Londons Beispiel zu folgen. Dabei drohen mal wieder
die überfälligen
Reformen aus dem Blick zu geraten: wirksamer Stabilitätspakt,
Steuergerechtigkeit, Bankenunion, Konzen-tration auf
wesentliche EU-Politikfelder.
Sub-sidiarität heißt das Zukunftswort, mit dem Brüssel auf das
reagieren muss.
H. Kindermann