Timisora, Romania
The 49th International Congress of the European Journalists Association took place in
The Congress’ Topic was: HOPE EUROPE - YOUTH LOOKING FOR NEW WAYS FOR THEIR FUTURE. See in the attachements the Program in EN and RO.
Opening Ceremony of the 49th EJ Congress in the seat of the Timis County in Timisoara(RO)
Below, a series of picture of the Europe Day 2009: parade and simulation of the "European Parliament of the Children".
EJ president Paolo Magagnotti opens the second Congress's session in the "Aula Magna" of the West University of Timisoara. On his right: the University's Rector prof. Ioan Talpos; Maria Romana Degasperi, daughter of the Europe's father Alcide Degasperi; doctor Nadio Delai, president of Ermeneia; Corina Fornade, student that coordinated the online survey on the attitude of the youth towards the EU; on his left. Michael Jaeger, CEO, European Economic Senate and Marc Williére, Senior Editor, Luxembourger Wort, EJ Treasurer.
Maria Romana De Gasperi, daughter of the Europe's father Alcide De Gasperi, makes a presentation at the Congress.