Trento, Italy
544th EJ International Congress
Trento September 15-18, 2016
Reasons for the choice of the theme for the 2016
EJ International Congress
1. The European Union risks to fall apart.
2. The values and principles that inspired the founding
fathers are getting lost.
3. Nationalism seems to be preferred to European visions.
4. Citizens’ confidence in the European project is
declining day by day.
5. However, some important goals have been achieved:
first of all peace in Europe.
6. We need to be aware that we are living in a quite
different world if we compare it with the after WWII time and even the last
7. At this point it is imperative to ask ourselves and to
decide: which kind of Europe do we want for the
present time and especially for the new generations?
8. At the same time we need to take into serious
consideration that globalization and a highly interdependent world force us to interact with new and non-European global actors and
to this regard it is also necessary to see and to understand what they think of
us, of Europe. We need a European Global Strategy.
9. New epochal phenomena are sweeping away traditional social and political
schemes: migration and new terrorism are very much worrying. We need to think
deeply about the possible future scenarios of the
migration phenomena, preparing ourselves for a more multiethnic Europe.
such a context we need also to decide the kind of neighborhood policy that we want to develop.
need therefore to consider two crucial aspects for the European policy: internal and external finalités.
After all these and other considerations the following
theme has been decided:
Domestic and Foreign finalités
of the European Union: Quo vadis Europa?
Vide entire Congress