Who we are

We are a network of journalists and media professionals from all-over Europe who love our continent and care about its future. We embrace the legacy of Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Alcide De Gasperi, Konrad Adenauer and other visionary leaders who after WWII embarked Europe on a unique historic journey to European unification.

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What we do

We bring together people who practice journalistic and/or media activity in member states of the European Union or the Council of Europe and strongly believe in the necessity of European integration on a democratic basis respecting the rule of law and are committed to defend the freedom of the press and access to information.

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Have a look now

27/11/2020 - Ein Stopp-Signal für Polen und Ungarn - Von Rotger H. Kindermann, EJ Vizepraesident

09/11/2020 - Wenn Populisten Parteien kapern – Der Trump-Spuk ist nicht vorüber

08/10/2020 - Postponed due to Covid-19, will take place in Timisoara (RO) on October 14-17, 2021

03/05/2020 - World Press Freedom Day 2020 - Risk in time of coronavirus

22/04/2020 - Follow the rules to keep coronavirus away.

19/04/2020 - New Step of Orban’s March Towards Authoritarianism.

18/04/2020 - Libya Pandemic ad an emergency message from the Minister for Foreign Affairs from Malta

01/04/2020 - Coronavirus Contaminating European Unity - Orban’s Hungary Puts a new Muzzle on Free press

16/03/2020 - Coronavirus - EU and its Member States

03/05/2019 - World Press Freedom Day 2019

16/01/2019 - Brexit, let’s hope in a positive swing

07/03/2016 - Meeting in Berlin with the president of the Committee for foreign affairs of the „Bundestag” Dr. Norbert Röttgen.

23/10/2014 - International conference European interdisciplinary studies for the Better Europe in Rjieka, Croatia, October 20-21, 2014.

16/10/2014 - EJ participating in the lunch of the UN “Business School for Impact” in Geneva, October 16, 2014.

18/04/2012 - Meeting with the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz and MEPs

14/01/2021 - Notwendige Grundversorgung – It’s the information, stupid!

14/01/2021 - Als das Proletarjat zum Subjekt der Kunst wurde

21/11/2019 - EU portrebuje reforme,recepta pa danes še ni

07/11/2019 - Gestaltung als Instrument des Bösen

25/10/2019 - Hhollaendischer-Journalist-in-Beugehaft-Angriff-auf-Pressefreiheit/

10/10/2019 - Discovering EU-project for young people

14/06/2019 - Plovdiv erste Europäische Kulturhauptstdt in Bulgarien


09/06/2019 - Europawahlen 2019 - Auch für Volksparteien wird das Klima rauer

06/03/2019 - VOX, a Landmark for Timisoara European Capital of Culture 2021

24/01/2019 - „Der Journalismus muss mal durchatmen“

23/01/2019 - Mittelstandpolitik im Räderwerk von Europaparlament, Kommission und Rat

30/10/2018 - Commemorating Manfred Swarovski at the EJ Congress 2018 in Berlin

30/10/2018 - EJ International Congress 2018 Berlin - Final report

10/05/2018 - Wie hoch ist der angemessene Preis für Europa? Euro und EZB

30/01/2018 - Keine Demokratie ohne freie Presse – Europas Medien zwischen Zensur und Misstrauen

22/04/2017 - Die deutsch-französische Freundschaft ist und bleibt der Schlüssel für die Zukunft Europas

22/04/2017 - Unsere Meinungen über Europa sind höchst ambivalent. Sie schwanken zwischen großartigem Friedensprojekt und unsäglichem Bürokratiemonster

Europe is you!

We, European Journalists, would like to inform you, European Citizens, about what your European Institutions are doing for you.

We, European Journalists, work for bringing you, European Citizens, and your European Institutions closer.

We, European Journalists, ask you, European Citizens, to motivate us to work better for you and our Europe

EurActiv.com is a portal for EU news and policy debates in 12 languages based in Brussels